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Friday, January 22, 2010

SAS 39

Which of the following keywords is used to create a raw data file?

A) filename
B) libname
C) infile
D) set


SASGuru said...

Answer: D
Reasoning: 'Libname' is used to create a library. 'Filename' will
reference an external file where raw data is stored and after it has
been referenced once, the 'infile' is used to identify the external file.
'Set' will create a raw data file.

Unknown said...

I don't agree with this one. You don't even need a set statement to create a raw data file. It should either be file or put. Below is a prior question:
data group;
infile 'team';
input name $15. age 2.;
file 'file-specification';
put name $15. +5 age 2.;

Unknown said...

data a;
input name $ age @10 ht ;
Ruth 39 11
Jose 32 22
Sue 30 33
John 40 44

libname des "C:\Users\Abhijit\Desktop";

data des.b;
set a;
file "C:\Users\Abhijit\Desktop\axx.txt";
put name age ht;

this will create raw data file

Ruth 39 11
Jose 32 22
Sue 30 33
John 40 44

Stevina Rumao said...

set statement refers to a sas data set and is not used to create raw data set.
As Mark mentioned a raw data set can be created by put or file statement

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